European RoyalsFeaturesHistoryHistoryInsightSpainState & Ceremonial

King Felipe and the Catholic Church: a changing tale of faith and diplomacy

To analyse the religious situation in Spain, one must consider faith and diplomacy as inextricably linked. Spain is one of the world’s most religious countries, officially, with some statistics putting the percentage of the population that ascribes to the Roman Catholic Church as high as 96%.  To put that number in context, that same survey put Italy’s percentage of Roman Catholics at…
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GreecePalaces & Buildings

Tatoi Palace to become museum  

Tatoi Palace, the former royal residence of the Greek Royal Family, is set to become a public museum. The Athens-based palace will open as a public museum by 2025, according to the country’s Minister of Culture and Sports, Lina Mendoni. The announcement was made one day after the burial of former King Constantine II at the estate. Restoration has been ongoing on the building, and…
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The Georgians are set to take over Buckingham Palace again

While Buckingham Palace has been making changes with a new reign underway, some old royals are moving back into the palace. The family who originally bought the then-Buckingham House is returning again. A new Royal Collection Trust exhibition focused on the Georgians will open in the spring at The Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace. “Style & Society: Dressing the…
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Royal WeddingsThe Edinburghs

If ever a wedding dress summed up its wearer, it was the gown chosen by Sophie for her marriage to Prince Edward 

On January 6 1999, Prince Edward and Sophie Rhys-Jones announced that they were engaged to be married. To celebrate the occasion, 24 years on, Lydia Starbuck takes a look back at the Countess of Wessex’s striking wedding dress. If ever a royal wedding dress summed up its wearer, it was the gown chosen by Sophie Rhys-Jones for her marriage to Prince Edward on 19 June 1999 at St George’s…
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