FeaturesInsightQueen Elizabeth II

The Queen's Consent and legislative veto powers explained

Much has been made of the Queen allegedly blocking a law from being passed in the 1970s, claims which Buckingham Palace says are “simply untrue”. According to documents seen by The Guardian, The Queen’s personal lawyers successfully persuaded ministers to change a draft law in order to conceal her private wealth. These ‘veto’ powers have been around for centuries and are part of…
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The tragedy of the last Stuart Monarch – Queen Anne’s 18 pregnancies

Queen Anne quite frankly had a tremendous reign becoming the first Monarch of a united single sovereign state, known as Great Britain in 1707 as well as showing her worth as a Queen Regnant in a male dominated society. Though tragedy was never far away from the last of the Stuarts as not many people will be aware that Queen Anne became pregnant an astonishing 18 times, though not one of her…
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How did Queen Mary become known as ‘Bloody Mary’?

While King Henry VIII lived, his greatest fear was dying without a male heir to the throne. As it turns out, he needn’t have worried, for when he died in 1547, King Henry was succeeded by his son Edward VI. But the new King Edward was very frail and sickly boy of nine, and…
Behind the Scenes with True RoyaltySponsored

Lady Diana: Discover the truth behind The Crown

In season 4 of The Crown, which is fast approaching, the dramatic focus will be on Lady Diana and her marriage to Prince Charles. And while fascination in Diana’s life has never gone away, The Crown will most likely boost interest still further as well as bringing her life to a new, younger audience. If you want to get the truth behind the fiction, however, then watch True Royalty…
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The inside story of when Diana pushed her stepmother down a flight of stairs following a 'furious row'

Diana, Princess of Wales, once pushed her stepmother down a flight of stairs following a ‘furious row’ at Althorpe. According to the documentary ‘Princess Diana’s wicked stepmother’, the young Princess of Wales ‘flew into a rage’ at a party which was being attended by both her mother and her step-mother. Raine, Countess Spencer, married Diana’s…
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