
The Royal Family has turned into the world’s worst soap opera – it is an embarrassment to the UK and Commonwealth

If you turn on the news, you might be mistaken into thinking you are accidentally watching an episode of EastEnders when the latest report about The Royal Family makes it to air. No, Nicholas Witchell is not talking about the latest exploits of the residents of Albert Square, but rather Buckingham Palace. Just when you think the whole Sussex debacle cannot possibly get any more absurd, new…
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Palaces & Buildings

REVEALED: Why Buckingham Palace isn’t The Queen’s official residence

Buckingham Palace is the most iconic symbol of the British Monarchy, but far from popular opinion, this 200-year-old building isn’t actually The Queen’s official residence, and this is why… Her Majesty’s official residence is, in fact, a few hundred yards down the Mall from Buckingham Palace at St James’s Palace, where the Court is officially based. It is where foreign diplomats are…
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How did Queen Mary become known as ‘Bloody Mary’?

While King Henry VIII lived, his greatest fear was dying without a male heir to the throne. As it turns out, he needn’t have worried, for when he died in 1547, King Henry was succeeded by his son Edward VI. But the new King Edward was very frail and sickly boy of nine, and…

REVEALED: Here is why we will never see ‘Princess Catherine’

Many people assume that because the Duchess of Cambridge is a member of the Royal Family (and married to a prince), she automatically takes the title of ‘Princess Catherine’. In this post, we will explain why this isn’t the case and why, to the disappointment of many fans, she will – as things stand – never hold the title ofPrincess Kate. The drama began with the declaration on…
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Here's what you should never say in the presence of royalty

It goes without saying that all royals live a decidedly grander life than the rest of the world. They don’t know the feeling of worry or anxiety when they go to use their credit cards. They won’t ever be declined. And living quarters? Forget one small apartment or cozy house; they live in palaces with servants and staff to do their every bidding. Let’s not forget vacations; it’s no drive…
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