
Is there a hidden message in the background of The Queen's latest appearance?

As she delivered her message by video to the COP26 summit in Glasgow, The Queen was seen in one of the splendid rooms of Windsor Castle with the green pastures of that ancient royal domain stretching out behind her. But in the background was perhaps another message. The Queen had, for support, a cushion. No surprise there. She is 95 and on doctors’ orders to rest. None of us expected her to…
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Queen Elizabeth II

Buckingham Palace releases important updates on The Queen’s health

The Queen has been told by doctors to rest for at least another two weeks. Her Majesty will only take on what’s being described as ”light, desk based duties” including virtual audiences. However, she will not take part in any face to face engagements. Buckingham Palace has confirmed that The Queen will miss the Festival of Remembrance on November 13th 2021 but plans to go…
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Royal Ghost Stories: the restless queen

History has her down as the ultimate survivor but the sad end to the story of Katherine Parr, sixth wife of Henry VIII, is behind the tales of sightings of her ghost at the last castle she called home. For the queen consort who avoided the axeman is said to roam the…

Royal Ghost Stories: the teenage queen who haunts a palace

As Hallowe’en approaches, ghost stories abound. The nights are drawing in, darkness is falling and amidst the swirling mists of late autumn evenings come tales of mystery. This Hallowe’en, Royal Central is taking a look at some of the best known tales of regal ghosts and today we turn to the time of the Tudors and the sad story of a teenage queen, Catherine Howard whose downfall began…
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The common illness that killed a queen

In the early autumn days of 1537, King Henry VIII was celebrating as his court welcomed a prince. His longed for son and heir, Edward, had been born on October 12th at Hampton Court Palace to widespread rejoicing.  Preparations were in full swing for an elaborate christening and bonfires were being lit around the little boy’s future kingdom.  But while the parties started, in a corner of…
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