Queen Elizabeth II

Remembrance Sunday remains non negotiable for The Queen despite fresh doctors' orders

Buckingham Palace has made it clear that The Queen has every intention of attending the National Act of Remembrance at the Cenotaph, despite fresh advice from doctors to rest. Her Majesty has been told to only take on ”light, desk based duties” for the next two weeks and will miss all face to face engagements, except one. For although she won’t be at the Festival of…
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Royal Ghost Stories: the restless queen

History has her down as the ultimate survivor but the sad end to the story of Katherine Parr, sixth wife of Henry VIII, is behind the tales of sightings of her ghost at the last castle she called home. For the queen consort who avoided the axeman is said to roam the corridors of Sudeley Castle in Gloucestershire looking for the baby daughter she left behind. Katherine’s ghost is reported…
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The ambitious queen accused of witchcraft by her enemies

Queens and witchcraft aren’t words that go together. In books and in films, witches are the wicked women who stand in the way of pretty princesses as they search for a happy ending. In the history of royalty, witchcraft was a tool to use against women who might otherwise be untouchable. And several of England’s queens found themselves accused of being witches at times when enemies…
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The common illness that killed a queen

In the early autumn days of 1537, King Henry VIII was celebrating as his court welcomed a prince. His longed for son and heir, Edward, had been born on October 12th at Hampton Court Palace to widespread rejoicing.  Preparations were in full swing for an elaborate…

The royal wedding that inspired Oktoberfest

Towns and cities across the UK are hosting beer festivals inspired by Oktoberfest, the famous celebration that usually takes over Munich as autumn arrives. The main German event was cancelled in 2021 for the second year in a row, because of the pandemic. But while thousands…
British RoyalsFeatures

The Platinum Jubilee countdown takes root with new green scheme

It’s not been the easiest of weeks for the House of Windsor. There was a lot of debate after it was confirmed The Queen had spent a night in hospital just hours after doctors had advised her to rest. It wasn’t just the Monarch’s health that got people talking. Buckingham Palace’s decision to keep the hospital stay private for over 24 hours led to discussions around…
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