Royal News

Get the period products out of the cupboard: Sophie's strong message as she talks menstrual health

The Duchess of Edinburgh has said period products shouldn’t be hidden away but left around the home as she encouraged young women to be more open about their menstrual health. Speaking at a special workshop at a school in London, the Duchess said it was time for tampons and pads to come ”out of the closet”. And she shared one of her biggest concerns about periods…
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Royal News

King Charles resting in hospital after successful medical treatment

The King has spent a night in hospital after undergoing treatment for an enlarged prostate. His Majesty underwent a procedure on January 26th and could spend up to two nights under medical supervision before returning home. The King arrived at hospital on the morning of January 26th with Queen Camilla at his side. Her Majesty left the hospital around six hours later and told wellwishers…
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British Royals

King Charles admitted to hospital for planned treatment

The King has been admitted to hospital for planned prostate treatment. His Majesty went in on the morning of January 26th 2024. Queen Camilla was with him at the time. The treatment was announced last week. His Majesty will undergo a procedure for an enlarged prostate. At the time his hospital stay was announced, The King said he hoped his statement would encourage others to seek…
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A romantic but reluctant queen

She was the royal who insisted she would only marry for love while he was a prince with a broken heart and no desire to wed again. However, on a summer’s day, exactly a century ago, they fell in love in London and began a royal romance that would lead to a crown and change the attitudes of a whole royal family. The love story of Lady Louise Mountbatten and Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden…
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