British Royals

The Queen marks the 69th anniversary of her accession to the throne

The Queen is marking the anniversary of the start of her reign. It is now sixty nine years since she took the throne. Elizabeth II became Monarch sometime in the early hours of February 6th 1952 when her father, King George VI, died in his sleep. She was in Kenya at the time as she and the Duke of Edinburgh prepared for a royal tour. Prince Philip broke the news of her father’s death to her…
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The mysterious widow who almost stopped the Tudors from ruling

She was the long dead widow who was used by a king to overthrow his own nephew and yet her name is all but forgotten today. Eleanor Butler was the woman who helped change the royal history of England forever and almost brought one of its most famous dynasties to disaster before they had even secured the throne. But was she also Queen of England? Eleanor never claimed a crown for herself but as…
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King Philippe's favourite pseudonym revealed

The world knows him as King Philippe of the Belgians, but when this monarch wants to go incognito, he prefers to be known as Monsieur Legrand. That’s the name on papers filed on the French Ile d’Yeu, off the coast of Brittany, where the king and his family have bought…
FeaturesRoyal WeddingsThe Netherlands

Royal Wedding Rewind: Willem-Alexander and Maxima of the Netherlands

It was a wedding for the history books and thousands turned out to celebrate. When Willem-Alexander and Maxima married in 2002, the popularity that has mostly dominated their time as King and Queen of the Netherlands was on show for all to see as they were cheered throughout their special day by crowds across Amsterdam. Embed from Getty Images The road to the altar hadn’t been…
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The Gloucesters

The Duke of Gloucester highlights increased challenges in the fight against leprosy

To mark World Leprosy Day, the Duke of Gloucester has highlighted the extra challenges faced by all those working to eradicate the disease as the coronavirus pandemic continues. The Duke, who is Vice President of Lepra UK, wrote to the organisation to mark the annual event which highlights the global fight against the condition. And his letter reflected on the increased pressures for those…
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