
Queen Margrethe attends military parade in Copenhagen

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark has visited the military camp of the Royal Danish Lifeguard in Copenhagen for a special tradition. Her Majesty started her visit, on March 16, by attending an impressive military parade by several regiments from the Royal Lifeguard. For the first time in several years, the parade could go ahead as normal, without coronavirus restrictions. Queen Margrethe was in…
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DenmarkPalaces & Buildings

Danish royal castle and birthplace of two kings may be sold

The Danish Palaces and Culture Agency plans to put Charlottenlund Castle up for sale within a few months. This may mean that tourists could will lose access to the castle with a rich royal history. After a long disagreement between Gentofte Municipality and the Danish Palaces and Culture Agency about the use of Charlottenlund Castle Gardens and its five buildings the Palaces and Culture Agency…
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Crown Princess Mary hands out prestigious awards

The Danish Ministry of Education and Research awards a number of prestigious prizes each year. As a rule, the ceremony is attended by a member of the Danish royal family. This was also the case this year when Crown Princess Mary took part in the ceremony.The Danish Crown Princess was in charge of the awarding of the Ministry of Education and Research’s prizes together with Danish Minister of…
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Queen Margrethe opens new exhibit on Royal Yacht

Since 1932, the Royal Yacht Dannebrog has functioned as a floating castle for the Danish Royal Family. The ship is thus celebrating its 90th anniversary as an official and private residence for the royal family on summer cruises in Denmark, or on overseas official visits.

Crown Princess Mary's children surprise their mum on her special birthday weekend

Crown Princess Mary got a big surprise when her four children revealed their secret contributions to a birthday documentary shown this weekend. “Mary 50 years – we celebrate Denmark’s Crown Princess” showed the four talking about their mother in a number of features. Prince Christian, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Josephine revealed, among many…
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