
Princess Stéphanie of Monaco pleads for Ukrainians with HIV/AIDS as access to life saving drugs is impacted by conflict

Princess Stéphanie of Monaco offered her support to Ukraine and launched a programme to help a special category of refugees during an event marking International Women’s Day.  Her Serene Highness is President of Fight AIDS Monaco, an organisation focussed on the fight against HIV/AIDS, and was taking part in an event on 8 March, during which she made her position clear.  There was an…
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Princess Charlene returns to Monaco

Princess Charlene has returned to Monaco. The Princess of Monaco reunited with her family in the principality earlier this week after undergoing treatment for an undisclosed illness for several months outside of Monaco. The Princely Palace released a statement on 12 March, saying: “In agreement with her doctors and while her recovery is on the right track, their Serene Highnesses…
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The curse of the Princely Family of Monaco

The ill-health of Princess Charlene of Monaco is just the latest in a series of bad luck for the Princely Family of Monaco, and according to a legend, it is all because of a witch’s curse. Legend has it that the Grimaldi family has been cursed for around 700 years…

Crown Princess Katherine receives medal for her humanitarian work

The Editorial Board of The Diplomatic Bulletin of Serbia has awarded Crown Princess Katherine with “Nadezda Petrovic” – the Medal of Honour in the field of Humanitarian Work, on the occasion of International Women’s Day and the first edition of the magazine. Due to obligations abroad, Crown Princess Katherine could not attend the ceremony in person, but she sent a letter that was…
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European Royals

Hereditary Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein praises her country for contributions to Ukraine relief funds

Hereditary Princess Sophie of Liechtenstein granted Radio Liechtenstein an interview in which she talked about the country’s response to the Ukrainian crisis. In her role as President of the Liechtenstein Red Cross, Her Royal Highness spoke to the country’s national radio on International Women’s Day, praising her people for the amazing show of support and solidarity they have…
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