
King of Norway shows his health is recovering while attending Christmas Day church service

King Harald of Norway showed his health is continuing to recover as he attended the traditional Christmas Day church service at Oslo’s Holmenkollen Chapel. His Majesty used walking sticks to move around the church to worship on Christmas Day alongside Queen Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit, and Princess Ingrid Alexandra. The royals heard the Holmenkollen Chamber…
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King Harald returns home after hospital treatment

King Harald has been discharged from hospital after a three day stay. The King of Norway was treated for an infection at the Rikshospitalet in Oslo. The 85 year old was admitted on December 19th 2022 and put on intravenous antibiotics. He went home on December 21s 2022…

Why question marks hang over King's highly anticipated festive speech

Discussions are going on behind closed palace doors over whether the traditional festive address given by King Harald of Norway can go ahead this year after the monarch was admitted to hospital. King Harald, who is now 85, was taken to the Rikshospitalet in Oslo on December 19th 2022 after developing an infection that needed to be treated with intravenous antibiotics. His condition is stable…
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European RoyalsNorway

King Harald admitted to hospital

King Harald of Norway has been hospitalized. The King has an infection which is being treated with antibiotics – his condition is stated to be stable. However, the King is expected to be in hospital for a few days. The announcement came from the royal court on the…

Norwegian royals on hand while Nobel Peace Prize winners awarded as Ukraine takes centre stage

The Norwegian royals were on hand as the Nobel Peace Prize winners received their awards in Oslo’s City Hall. Belarusian human rights defender Ales Bialiatski, Ukrainian Center for Civil Liberties group and the Russian organisation Memorial were all awarded for their work in defending human rights and promoting the right to criticise those in power. Berit Reiss-Andersen, the head of…
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King Harald’s eco energy plans hit a snag

King Harald of Norway has been working to get solar panels on the roof of the Royal Palace in Oslo, but the weight of history is against him. Professionals have examined the building and concluded that they would be too heavy. In 2017, planning was started for a project where solar panels would be placed on the roof of the Royal Palace in Oslo. A report was drawn up on the weight of the solar…
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