
Tessy Antony, Princess of Luxembourg launches website

Tessy Antony, Princess of Luxembourg, has launched an official website. The royal revealed her “exciting new project” on her Twitter and Instagram accounts on Thursday, 9 August. In her posts, she said, “Exciting new project…. My website is live.✊✨ Homemade by my amazing friend Richard ✨Its a working process. I will be publishing my podcasts and news…
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Prince Sébastien takes part in the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace

We are used to the idea of the guards protecting the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace, but this week has been slightly unusual – one of those guarding the palace is a foreign royal. Prince Sébastien of Luxembourg is currently with 1st Battalion Irish Guards stationed at Hounslow Barracks in London as a Troop Commander and has been Standard bearer on some of the occasions when the Battalion has…
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Princess Tessy bravely reveals heartbreaking miscarriage

Tessy Antony, Princess of Luxembourg bravely revealed her heartbreaking miscarriage yesterday. The child would have been the third for her and Prince Louis of Luxembourg – who she is currently in divorce proceedings with in London. The miscarriage took place several years ago but exactly when was not specified. Tessy revealed the news in an Instagram post for Jeanne Chavany and later shared…
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LuxembourgThe Netherlands

King and Queen of The Netherlands end state visit to Luxembourg

Today, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima spent their last day in Luxembourg with Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa. The King and Queen of the Netherlands and the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess visited Neobuild SA. They were welcomed by Environment Minister Carole Dieschbourg and Neobuild SA President Roland Kuhn. As the first technological innovation pole for sustainable…
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