British RoyalsHistoryHistoryNorway

The fake Queen of Norway and Scotland

There are many people who, throughout history, have pretended to be royal. The desire for power and wealth have enticed many to falsely pretend to be a royal who has either died or disappeared. Not many of them are women; however, a ship once came to Norway with a woman who wanted to be the nation’s queen. That woman has been known as “False Margrete.” She was a Norwegian woman who…
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Asian RoyalsHistoryHistoryPalaces & Buildings

The night 19 Ottoman princes were killed by their brother

The former church Haga Sophia has been widely reported in the media over recent weeks after the building has been converted into a mosque for the second time. However, what isn’t known to many is that right next to the famous building is a unique hidden story. In a burial chamber, 19 Ottoman princes are buried next to each other, all of whom were killed on the same evening, by their only…
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Lady Jane Grey - The Nine Days Queen

Lady Jane Grey, or Lady Jane Dudley, was proclaimed Queen on this day in 1553. She has been commonly referred to as The Nine Days Queen. She was the great-granddaughter of Henry VII through his daughter Mary, Queen of France. From 10 July to the 19 July, she was the de facto…

The cigarette tragedy that killed an 18-year-old Austrian Archduchess

Archduchess Mathilde of Austria was born in 1849 as the daughter of Archduke Albert, Duke of Teschen and his wife, Princess Hildegard of Bavaria. She grew up in a wealthy and charming home with a kind family. During the summer, the family spent their time at the Weilburg Palace in Baden bei Wien. The winters were spent in the royal residence in downtown Vienna. The family was very close to the…
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London’s Royal Statues: Queen Charlotte

London has many plaques and memorials with royal connections but in fact, rather fewer statues. Some of these statues have interesting hidden histories of their own, of how they were made, how they came to be in the places that they are and why. Some of these statues may be…

The failed assassination attempt on King Juan Carlos of Spain

In 1997, the life of the Spanish King came under threat as a plot was made to kill him during the opening of a new museum. The failed assassination attempt on King Juan Carlos was discovered by Spanish police by chance and resulted in an international hunt for the men who wanted to kill the Spanish monarch. Eneko Gogeaskoetxea Arronategui was the master of the plan together with some other members…
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