
Queen Margrethe approves the establishment of a new government in Denmark

Queen Margrethe has approved the establishment of a new government in Denmark following an election earlier in June. The discussions to form a new government started the day following the election on June 6. Queen Margrethe was asked by at the acting Prime Minister’s Council, that the Social Democrats Mette Frederiksen had to lead negotiations on the formation of a government. Frederiksen…
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Queen Margrethe revokes all titles and medals of her Chamberlain

Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark has decided to revoke all titles and medals of her former Chamberlain, Christian Kjær according to Danish media late last week. The Royal Court in Copenhagen confirmed the news to Danish “Ekstra Bladet”. The Queen has revoked all his titles and medals because Kjær has been found guilty of driving down a traffic conductor in connection with a bicycle…
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How many days did the Scandinavian and Spanish royal families work in 2018?

At the end of each year, we can study and comment on the work of the British Royal Family. The UFO No More team decided to look at the work of the Scandinavian royal families which is something that is not always done. Before going into the numbers, a little disclaimer. These numbers represent the days worked by each member of the royal families based on their official calendar. Of course, there…
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Queen Margrethe attends military parade in Copenhagen

On Wednesday, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark attended a series of events during her visit to the military camp of the Royal Danish Lifeguard in Copenhagen. Her Majesty started her visit by attending an impressive military parade by several regiments from the Royal Lifeguard. Following the parade, Her Majesty handed over the prestigious “Queen’s Clock” to one guard for his…
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