
Is The Queen Really Above The Law?

For centuries, the reigning Monarch in Britain has been considered the font of justice. But what does this mean, and does it mean The Queen can do whatever she wants without legal repercussions? We’re about to take a look back at the days when Monarchs played a vital role in administering justice to give an accurate and direct answer. Many hundreds of years ago, the reigning Monarchs of…
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Is Royal Protocol Still Relevant?

Ever since William The Conqueror obtained the crown of England, Monarchs have always been held in the highest regard and treated with the uttermost reverence and deference. That is, until now. Over the last few decades, we’ve seen such a rapid change in royal protocol…

How To Get Tickets To Trooping The Colour

Happy New Year. For Royalists, the New Year doesn’t just mark a change of calendar, it marks the start of the short window and long battle to get tickets to Trooping The Colour. Tickets for Trooping The Colour are allocated via ballot and between now an February, applications must be sent should you wish to attend. Trooping The Colour is a traditional parade performed by one of the 5…
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2012: A Right Royal Year

As 2012 draws to a close, we can all take a look back at what has been a fantastic year for the Royal Family. We’ve celebrated a Diamond Jubilee, the announcement of a Royal Baby, sent members of The Firm to ‘represent’ for us overseas, and heartily sung ‘God Save…

Top 10 Royal Myths - Busted

Royal myths – in light of various articles on our site pointing to different myths that surprising amount of people believe, we thought we’d compile our top ten royal myths that are commonly believed plus an explanation of the truth behind it. 1. “The Queen doesn’t pay taxes” Yes, yes she does! In 1992, Her Majesty volunteered to pay income tax and capital gains tax…
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What is 'Primogeniture' and How Does It Affect The Royal Baby?

Without doubt, one of the most anticipated arrivals of 2013 is the impending Royal Baby. The reason that this baby is more anticipated than previous royal babies is two-fold. For one, it is a child of The Duchess Of Cambridge, one of the most popular members of the modern Royal Family. For second, this child, regardless of gender, will grow up to reign over Britain and all the Commonwealth…
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