Happy New Year. For Royalists, the New Year doesn’t just mark a change of calendar, it marks the start of the short window and long battle to get tickets to Trooping The Colour.
Tickets for Trooping The Colour are allocated via ballot and between now an February, applications must be sent should you wish to attend.
Trooping The Colour is a traditional parade performed by one of the 5 regiments of footguards to Her Majesty every year, where the regiment’s colour is paraded in front of Her Majesty and members of the Royal Family watching from Wellington Barracks and those on parade as colonels of regiments.
Last year was the Coldstream Guards on parade, this year it’s the Welsh Guards. Click here to read our guide to Trooping The Colour.
The way the ballot for tickets work is, everyone who wants tickets to the Troop should apply, as mentioned, between January-February, then in March, all those applications are ‘mixed-up’ and put into a ballot, then a certain number are taken out and those are the people whom the tickets are allocated to.
Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to get tickets.
- Firstly, you need to write to the Brigade Major at Horseguards’ Parade in London (there is no email system, tickets can only be allocated to those who write), you must also include a stamped addressed envelope or international reply coupon so you can get a reply.
- In the letter, you must specify how many tickets you want, a simple, short and concise letter stating exactly what you would like will be fine, then send your letter and the stamped, addressed envelope to:
Brigade Major
HQ Household Division
Horse Guards
SW1A 2AX - After you send your request, you should get back a reply with a reference number and details about the Troop, this is a confirmation that your application has been received, not a confirmation of your placement.
- In about March/April time, you may be sent another reply from Horseguards, this time allocating you tickets, you will then be given the option to buy tickets (yes, they’re not free!) – the average price is about £25 per-ticket. Note, they can only accept cheques in UK pounds sterling from a British Bank. Credit cards are not accepted.
- If you’ve been lucky enough to be offered tickets, you should pay as early as possible to avoid any mix ups or disappointment.
- Once you’ve done that, you’ll receive your tickets to Trooping The Colour, this year’s it’s on Saturday 15 June!
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xKfn4EX3GA]