
Belgian Princess calls for her country to apologise for its colonial past as King Philippe announces trip to Congo

Princess Esmeralda of Belgium has once again called on her country to apologise for its colonial past in Congo.  In an interview she granted Agence France Presse (AFP), and published on Thursday, 17 February, the Princess said that Belgium must apologise for the atrocities perpetrated during the years when Congo was under European control.  Princess Esmeralda’s request comes as King…
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King Albert and Princess Délphine attend royal event together for first time

The entire Belgian Royal Family took part in the traditional ceremony to commemorate deceased members in what was the first public act in which King Albert and Princess Délphine appeared together.  The Church service took place in the Notre Dame Church in Laeken, the official residence of the Belgian Royals. Besides King Albert and Princess Délphine, King Philippe, Queen Mathilde…
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King Philippe supports his brother-in-law at Archduchess Margherita's funeral

King Philippe of the Belgians supported his sister and brother-in-law by attending the funeral of Prince Lorenz’s mother.  His Majesty arrived at the Loreto Chapel, located alongside the homonym monastery, in Muri, Argovia canton, Switzerland, alongside his sister Princess Astrid and her husband.  The funeral service for Archduchess Margherita of Austria-Este took place on Saturday, 29…
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Belgian Royal Palace releases new photo of Queen Mathilde to mark 49th birthday

The Belgian Royal Palace has released a new photograph of Queen Mathilde as she marks her 49th birthday today. The image was taken by Bas Bogaerts in the Royal Domain of Laeken – a private park on the grounds of the Palace of Laeken in Brussels. Bas Bogaerts/Belgian Royal Palace Mathilde was born on 20 January 1973 into a Belgian aristocratic family. She studied speech therapy…
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