HistoryHistoryPalaces & Buildings

Joseph Bonaparte - The King who moved to New Jersey

Joseph Bonaparte is best known for two things, firstly he was the brother of one of Europe’s most famous Emperors, Napoleon I, and secondly, he was himself King of two European nations, Spain and Naples. What is not so well known is what happened to this monarch after the end of Napoleon’s reign. That he ended up moving to the United States is a story that is not well known. After…
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European Royals

Marine Le Pen wants to bring back body of Emperor Napoleon III to France

Marine Le Pen, the presidential candidate for the right-wing National Front Party, announced during a political speech in Corsica last Saturday that she would bring back the body of Emperor Napoleon III to France if she wins the election. Emperor Napoleon III died in 1873 and was the last monarch of France and nephew of Napoleon I; he is buried in England. The popular presidential candidate had…
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The end of the House of Bonaparte

In order to know how a story ends, it is indispensable to understand the essence of how it began. The years leading up to the French Revolution were tumultuous. Deep in a financial crisis, King Louis XVI and his advisors attempted to implement a taxation system, which was…