Prince Philip

Prince Philip: "I am deeply sorry"

The Duke of Edinburgh has contacted the passenger of the Kia which he was involved in a collision with last week expressing his sorrow over the incident. In the letter addressed to Emma Fairweather which has since been published in the Sunday Mirror, the 97-year-old said that he was sorry for the part he played in the incident, explaining that the sun dazzled his view. He added that he was…
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Prince Philip

Prince Philip back behind the wheel again - and without a seatbelt

The Duke of Edinburgh has been spotted behind the wheel again, just two days after his car accident where the 97-year-old was lucky to survive with no serious injuries. The Duke was driving alone, wearing tinted glasses, and without a seatbelt when the Daily Mail photographed him driving his Land Rover Freelander into the Sandringham Estate earlier today. Those on social media have called Prince…
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Prince Philip - is 97 too old to be behind the wheel?

In the hours since news came through that the Duke of Edinburgh has been involved in a car accident, there has been much debate about whether the 97-year-old prince should continue to drive on public roads. Police continue to investigate the incident and we don’t know what caused the collision right now. But, as often happens with accidents involving older motorists, it’s led to discussions…
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Prince Philip

Duke of Edinburgh breathalysed following car crash

Norfolk police have confirmed that the Duke of Edinburgh was breathalysed following a collision in Sandringham which saw his Land Rover overturn in the road. The driver of the other car was also breath tested. Both of the breathalysed results came back as negative. The Duke of Edinburgh was driving his car when it collided with another vehicle near the Sandringham Estate. A Buckingham Palace…
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