Queen Elizabeth II

Her Majesty The Queen Returns To Buckingham Palace After Extended Sandringham Break

Her Majesty The Queen has yesterday returned to Buckingham Palace after an extended break at her Christmas retreat, Sandringham House this year. Prince Philip usually stays on at the estate until later than the Queen as he likes to continue hunting game on the estate. Yesterday at Buckingham Palace, the Queen received an ambassador for the Netherlands. The official extract from the court circular…
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Top 10 Royalty Orientated Anecdotes

Everyone who loves the Royal Family will tell you that there’s nothing to beat a good royalty-orientated story or anecdote so here are our top 10 royal anecdotes from the British Royal Family. Enjoy! ‘The Nervous Bishop’ Queen Elizabeth II was hosting a…

What does 'The Crown' even mean?

‘The Crown’ is said to be a term synonymous with the monarch, a term used in legal situations and by monarchists. But what does it actually mean, and why has something inanimate and useful as a form of royal headdress been taken to mean the sovereign of the…

On This Day In 1840: Queen Victoria Marries Prince Albert - A Royal Love Story

On this day, 173 years ago, Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha in a ceremony performed at the Chapel Royal at St James’s Palace, a moment’s walk from Buckingham Palace, the home of the Monarch since the beginning of Queen Victoria’s reign. Queen Victoria was quite unusual by social convention, she was Queen, yet not yet married. Prince Albert was always set…
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Sovereign Relations Of Queen Elizabeth II

It is a little known fact that most of the European, and even a lot of other international Monarchs are related to The Queen of the United Kingdom. This goes back to the days when Queen Victoria’s children married out of the family and into overseas Royalty, thus…

How To Receive An Honour From Her Majesty The Queen

As Sovereign, Her Majesty The Queen is considered font of all honour in the United Kingdom. She has ultimate authority over issuing honours and titles to citizens. Several of the most notable orders of chivalry are now issued on the advise of the government and with the…

God Save The Queen - A British Anthem?

There’s no denying that for a lot of Brits, one of the most stirring and patriotic sounds is the sound of our national anthem, God Save The Queen, but the tune is not exclusive to the UK, in fact, the tune is used by many other countries both as a patriotic song and in some cases even as the national anthem. We have done a little research and found some other songs and anthems which use the…
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Were We All Wrong About Richard III?

This Monday, the University Of Leicester are to announce whether the bones found in a Leicester car park in September belong to England’s last King to die in battle. According to many historians, the outlook is good. There are many distinguishing features on the corpse that tally with what we already know about King Richard III. However, other discoveries on the corpse, if it does prove to…
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