
Princess Stéphanie visits COVID screening centre

Princess Stéphanie of Monaco visited a COVID-19 screening centre in Espace Léo Ferré, Monaco, last week. The royal wore a surgical mask and used hand sanitiser as soon as she entered the building. Upon arrival, the Princess was welcomed by Didier Gamerdinger, Minister of Social Affairs and Health; Camille Svara First Deputy Mayor; Lieutenant-Colonel Norbert Fassiaux, Chief of the Fire…
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Prince Albert and Princess Charlene wish everyone a happy Easter

Albert II, Prince of Monaco, who has only just recovered after being infected with the Coronavirus, has recorded an Easter message with her wife Princess Charlene. Recorded from the same place from which Princess Charlene recently shared photos of their twins, Jacques, Hereditary Prince of Monaco and Princess Gabriella, Prince Albert and Princess Charlene shared a message in French and in…
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Prince Albert: Don't accuse me of infecting Prince Charles with coronavirus

Prince Albert of Monaco has addressed speculation that he could have been the person who infected the Prince of Wales with coronavirus. Prince Albert and Prince Charles are the only known royals to have been infected with COVID-19, both of whom attended an event together in London earlier this month. However, speaking to RTL radio on Thursday, Monaco’s Head of State thought it unlikely…
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Prince Albert of Monaco is diagnosed with coronavirus

Prince Albert of Monaco has tested positive for Coronavirus. The Prince is the first monarch and the first head of state to have been diagnosed with COVID-19. The Prince’s Palace says there is no concern for Prince Albert’s health and he will continue to work from his private apartments.  A palace spokesperson said: “Prince Albert II of Monaco, who was tested at the…
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