Prince Albert of Monaco is out of his two-week isolation and recovered from COVID-19.
He was separated from his wife, Princess Charlene and their two twins, Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella who were at their country retreat at Roc Agel while Albert was quarantined.
The Prince’s Palace made the announcement yesterday.
Prince Albert told People, “Things are okay. I still have a little bit of a cough, but that’s pretty normal, having spoken to a number of other people the cough goes on for a little bit. Otherwise, all lights are green.
“I received the clear from doctors on Monday morning,” he added. “But they said, ‘Don’t see your family right away. Wait another 24 hours.’”
He said isolating for an additional 24 hours when he got to Roc Agel wouldn’t be difficult, “The house there is big enough that I can isolate. We have an extra bedroom at the end of the hall and the kids are in rooms downstairs.”
He stayed on contact with his family via FaceTime and was looking forward to being reunited with them once again. He explained that the twins knew he was sick and had to stay away from them. “I’m hoping I get a ‘Welcome Home’ banner,” he later joked.
The Prince was the first head of state to be diagnosed with the disease saying, “Doctors who have followed Prince Albert II since the start of his COVID-19 infection today allow him to end his quarantine period.
“The Sovereign Prince is declared cured and in good health.
“He will soon join his family and continue to observe the period of confinement while remaining in close contact with his government. His Highness once again reminds the people of Monaco of the importance of scrupulously respecting confinement measures and limiting contact with others. Rigorous compliance with these rules will help stop the spread of coronavirus.”
Most of his events in the coming weeks have been cancelled due to the virus.