HistoryInterestsQueen Elizabeth IIState & Ceremonial

The symbols of majesty resting on Queen Elizabeth II's Coffin

Queen Elizabeth II’s coffin is currently Lying-in-State at Westminster Hall for four days to allow the public to pay their respects. She will remain there until 6:30 am on Monday, 19 September. Resting on top of the coffin are three symbols of the monarchy which hold great significance. The Queen’s coffin has been draped in the Royal Standard, the monarch’s personal flag. The Royal…
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Queen Elizabeth II

Milestones of a Monarch: The Queen and President Reagan at his California ranch

The Queen has had a good relationship with several world leaders, and that includes late US President Ronald Reagan. The pair were known to share a close friendship, and they shared a love of horseback riding. In 1983, The Queen and Prince Philip travelled to California to visit the Reagans at their ranch in Santa Barbara. President Reagan invited The Queen to his ranch while visiting…
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Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II to be buried next to Prince Philip - and her beloved parents

Queen Elizabeth II will be laid to rest beside her beloved husband, parents and sister in a private ceremony. Her Late Majesty will be interred in the King George VI Memorial Chapel in the early evening of September 19th 2022, following her State Funeral. Prince Philip will also be laid to rest beside her. Following his funeral in April 2021, the coffin of His Royal Highness was placed in…
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Queen Elizabeth II

How The Queen had a final say in the design of her hearse

Millions of people across the world were captivated by images of the casket of Queen Elizabeth II as it was driven through London on a dark, gloomy evening. A small detail that many people might have noticed is that hearse is lit up so mourners can see the coffin clearly. This was The Queen’s idea. The Queen specified the custom Jaguar XJ hearse be used a number of years ago when planning…
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