
It's another Swedish Royal Baby Watch

Welcome to April – a month that promises several important events in several European royal houses. We will have birthdays, Jubilees, state visits and royal … births! Photo:  The Royal Court, Sweden Yes, this week we enter another official #BabyWatchSeason (yes, that’s a thing), while we wait for Prince Carl-Philip and Princess Sofia of Sweden first child to make his/her big…
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The Netherlands

Dutch King to commemorate anniversary of United Nations International Court of Justice

Wednesday, 20th April will mark the 70th aniversery of the founding of the United Nations International Court of Justice, ICJ and will be attended by King Willem-Alexander. His Excellency, President Judge Ronny Abraham will deliver a commemorative speech. Other prominent members of the UN, including His Excellency Mr Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General and Minister of Foreign Affairs Bert Koenders will…
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New photos released of Swedish newborn Prince Oscar

The Swedish Court has released new photos of Prince Oscar, the son of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel who was born on 2 March 2016. The photos are accompanied with a word of thanks from the Crown Princess and Prince Daniel. The message reads: “Thank you very…
BelgiumQueen Elizabeth II

Queen sends message of condolence to Belgian people

The Queen has sent a message of condolence to the people of Belgium after yesterday’s terrorist attack which killed over 30 people in Brussels. In the message, Her Majesty says that she and the Duke of Edinburgh were “shocked and saddened” by the events and passed on message of condolences. In full the statement read: “Prince Philip and I have been deeply shocked and…
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OtherThe Netherlands

Duke of Parma's illegitimate son to become prince

The Duke of Parma’s objections to his illegitimate’s son request to change his last name to ‘de Bourbon de Parme’ have been denied by the Dutch Secretary of Security and Justice on 9 March. The name change will soon be announced by royal decree. The Duke of Parma is the son of Princess Irene of the Netherlands and Carlos Hugo, Duke of Parma. Princess Irene lost her…
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