
Norwegian drug lord helped to solve the theft of King Harald's priceless antiques

Norway’s biggest drug trial in history is now in the Norwegian courts. The main defendant in the case, Gjermund Cappelen, has pleaded guilty in importing several tonnes of hashish to Norway and claims he has had help to this by the police officer Eric Jensen. During the trial, many unknown stories have been revealed – including new information on the theft of a number of royal antiques…
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King Harald's New Year speech

New Year’s Eve is the evening many people associate with a good dinner and fireworks. For the last 71 years His Majesty The King’s Speech has also been a tradition for the Norwegian people, first on radio, now on TV. See the entire speech in the bottom of the…

60 royal guests to Norway in 2017

The Norwegian Royal Family goes from one jubilee-year to another year of anniversaries. Both King Harald and Queen Sonja celebrates their eightieth birthday in 2017. King Harald celebrates his birthday on 21 February, while Queen Sonja 4th of July. In the recent days, it has…

Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette Marit serve breakfast to the poor

Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway participated Monday morning in a voluntary distribution of breakfast to the poor in Oslo. Long before the Crown Prince and Crown Princess came to hand out food, more than 100 had got in line to get a free meal. This is an offer, which is established by the Norwegian Church. The offer is called…
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King Harald owns stocks with a value of £18

His Majesty King Harald of Norway owns stocks with a value of £18. It is the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet (English: The Daily Magazine) that can report this today. Dagbladet is one the few magazines that has a negative attitude towards the royal house in Norway. They have…

Crown Prince Haakon attends award ceremony

His Royal Highness Crown Prince Haakon of Norway attended the presentation of the award for “Role Model of the Year”. This occurs just a few days after the Crown Prince has returned from a four-day long official visit to Canada together with Crown Princess Mette-Marit. The prize was awarded at the Norwegian Nobel Center and was presented by Solveig Horne, Minister for Children…
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New book about King Haakon reveals unknown coup plans

For the Norwegian people, it is widely known that one can be grateful to King Haakon VII of Norway that the resistance against the German occupation was as extensive as it was during the Second World War. King Haakon refused to appoint the German friendly Vidkun Quisling…

Crown Prince Haakon embroiled in scandal

Crown Prince Haakon of Norway is embroiled in a scandal in Norway. Allegedly, he rented out five flats that had been deemed unsafe to live in on his official estate, Skaugum. According to The Sunday Times, the heir to the Norwegian throne was ordered to remove petrol that…

King Harald V of Norway stumbles during the opening of Parliament

King Harald V of Norway formally opened Norway’s 161st session of Parliament this afternoon in Oslo. The day began with His Majesty being driven in his 1966 Lincoln Continental convertible with Queen Sonja through downtown Oslo before arriving at the Storting building, where the Storting Norwegian Parliament is housed. This is the only day of the year where the King, Parliament, Supreme…
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