
Grand Duke Henri undertakes state visit to Latvia

Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg is undertaking a state visit to Latvia from 13 to 14 March upon an invitation by the President of the Republic of Latvia. Grand Duke Henri travelled to Latvia for the state visit on 12 March, which he is undertaking to mark the 100th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Baltic state and Luxembourg. The Grand Duke has been joined in Latvia by Jean…
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Grand Duke Henri shows interest in space programme

Grand Duke Henri met a Belgian astronaut on Wednesday and expressed his interest in space exploration, the Grand Ducal Court revealed. The Grand Duke, who frequently hosts audiences at the Grand Ducal Palace, met with Belgian astronaut Raphaël Liégeois ahead of the…

New details reported on staff mistreatment in Luxembourg's Grand Ducal Family

More details have emerged after reports of staff mistreatment by Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg. At the end of December, it was revealed the Grand Duchess had been involved in a verbal altercation with a staff member. RTL reported that the newspaper Lëtzebuerger Land published a report on the situation in 2022. The altercation occurred at the end of October when the Grand…
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Luxembourg's royals mourn Princess Marie-Gabrielle

Luxembourg’s Grand Duke has expressed his deep sadness at the death of his aunt, Princess Marie-Gabrielle. The princess, who was 97, died on February 10th 2023. Princess Marie-Gabrielle was the last surviving child of Grand Duchess Charlotte, who ruled Luxembourg between 1919 and 1964. She was the sister of Grand Duke Jean who reigned between 1964 and 2000. Grand Duke Henri and…
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JordanLuxembourgRoyal Weddings

2023 - the year of the royal weddings

This year is set to be the year for royal weddings. Three weddings are set to take place in 2023 – two in Jordan and one in Luxembourg. It is thought another wedding will take place in Norway this year, as well. The first royal wedding of the year will take place in April when Princess Alexandra of Luxembourg marries French-born Nicolas Bagory. As is traditional in Luxembourg, the pair…
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