
How The English Monarchy Began

There’s no doubt with us that the British Monarchy is the most iconic and famous Monarchy in the world. Its history, though, is just as iconic as its present. In this article, we explain how England, and then Britain’s Monarchy came to begin to in bite size…

Top 5 Most Beautiful Castles In Britain

There is no doubt that Britain’s history means it has some of the most fantastic residences in the world. We have decided, in a break with ‘strictly royal’ content, we’d provide you all with a list of 5 of the most beautiful castles in England. Hope…

Why Princess Anne Is The Royal Family's Unsung Hero

With all the fuss about the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge being made every time a new engagement is announced, it’s worth reflecting sometimes that despite their public appearance, and the media coverage of their appearances, they are by no means the most active members of the Royal Family. Indeed now, it is often the most active members who are overlooked. Princess Anne has been performing…
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British Reaction To Baroness Thatcher's Death

Despite Thatcher’s controversial policies and stance, Britain is in mourning for one of its most memorable Prime Ministers. A Tweet from the British Monarchy’s Twitter account said, Her Majesty The Queen The Queen “was sad to hear the news of the death of…

Margaret Thatcher, 1925-2013

Along with Her Majesty and many conservatives around the world, I am truly saddened at the passing of Baroness Thatcher. But at the same time, I am forever grateful that she lived and fought. She was my Prime Minister as I grew up in the UK, and was a keen influence on my…
State & CeremonialThe Netherlands

How The Netherlands Will Get Its New King

On 30th April, Queen’s Day in the Netherlands, Her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands will officially abdicate from the throne and will be immediately succeeded by her son and the Prince of Orange, Prince Willem-Alexander. On the 29th April, at 8 o’clock in the evening, local time, at the invitation of Her Majesty the Queen, with members of the Royal Family and other royal and…
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The Sussexes

Prince Harry Appoints New Private Secretary

“His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales has been pleased to appoint Mr Edward Lane Fox to the position of Private Secretary,” the official press release read. Mr Lane Fox is currently a Senior Associate with the global financial communications firm, RLM…
British Royals

Peeking Behind the Curtain at Buckingham Palace

Reading “Elizabeth The Queen” was my first exposure to the writing talents of Sally Bedell Smith, but it definitely will not be my last. This was one of the better biographies I have read. It was emotional, informational, personal, human, real, insightful and moving. It…

5 Things You Didn't Know About British Royal Funerals

1. Planning Ahead Funerals for top members of the Royal Family are already planned ahead. For many years, the funerals for Her Majesty The Queen and His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh have been planned on the occasion they should die. The Queen and the Duke have alway been involved in laying out their own funeral plans. Her Majesty’s funeral plans are codenamed ‘London…
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