
OBITUARY: Grand Duke Jean of Luxembourg

On 5 January 1921, Jean Benoît Guillaume Robert Antoine Louis Marie Adolphe Marc d’Aviano, or the then Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg, was born in Berg Castle in central Luxembourg to Grand Duchess Charlotte of Luxembourg and Prince Félix. He had four younger sisters (Princesses Elisabeth, Marie-Adélaïde, Marie Gabrielle and Alix) and one younger brother (Prince Charles). Of his…
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Major Life Events Royals Don’t Have to Worry About, But Pension Payers Do

The Royals happen to be admired by people all over the world. They are seen as people of prestige and spark an interest amongst individuals because of the royal lifestyles that they lead. One of the things that set them apart from your average person is the fact that they don’t have to put money away in a pension pot every month. However, your average working adult does, and there are life…
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Famed Mayfair Townhouse to Be Turned Into Casino

The historic Mayfair townhouse is one of the most admired Victorian houses on Brick Street in London. The 12,800 square-foot property once housed horse stables, staff quarters, and the Londonderry House mansion. Now, developers have proposed turning the vacated land into a…

How The British Royalty Take A Holiday

Who says that royalty doesn’t need to take a holiday? It is true that they are often in the spotlight, with news of their activities winding up on the front pages of magazines. Still, the Royals need a holiday just like anyone else, especially since their day to day is jam-packed with speaking engagements, press conferences, and various other events that take up their time. They also need to…
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King Abdullah II sits down with Theresa May

His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan met with British Prime Minister Theresa May this week. While most thoughts in Great Britain are concerned with the approaching deadline for Brexit, there have also been economic problems in the Gulf area with all the various diplomatic…
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Royal Central ditches 'silly season' for 'history season'

Over the month of August, Royal Central will be republishing a series of historical articles to the website for you to read and enjoy. Readers of Royal Central will know that August is a particularly slow month with very little news due to most royals being on their summer holidays. To combat the ‘silly season’, we will be revisiting articles published by Royal Central’s resident…
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