British Royals

Souvenir teatowels? It must be time for a Jubilee

You can’t have a Jubilee without a souvenir teatowel and the release of the first official mementoes tied to the Platinum celebrations for the 70th anniversary of The Queen’s reign in 2022 didn’t disappoint. The appearance of souvenirs was another reminder that the countdown to this historic event is well and truly under way. Elizabeth II will have reigned for 70 years as of…
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Princess Charlene is back in Monaco

Princess Charlene is back in Monaco. She was photographed with her husband and children at the Prince’s Palace after arriving home on November 8th 2021. Charlene’s return to the principality comes after a stay of around six months in South Africa. The princess was unable to return to Monaco after complications from an ear, nose and throat infection stopped her from flying. Just…
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British Royals

Another big moment in the Platinum Jubilee countdown

It is now exactly three months until the Queen reaches her Platinum Jubilee. On February 6th 2022, Her Majesty will have ruled for exactly seventy years, the first British Monarch to reach that milestone. She is expected to spend the day itself at Sandringham and that’s where she is as the four month countdown takes place. The Queen is understood to be staying at Wood Farm on the Norfolk…
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The much maligned royal mistress who made a fortune but died penniless

I’ve always felt rather sorry for the mistress known as Mrs Jordan. For two decades, she lived alongside the third son of King George III. Her partner is known to history as King William IV but for their duration of their relationship he was the somewhat dodgy Duke of Clarence who had champagne taste and no money, purely because he had spent everything he’d been given. Dorothea Jordan was…
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