Queen Elizabeth II

What are the rules for flying flags at half mast following the death of The Queen

Across the nation, flags will be at half-mast following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Following the announcement of her death, The College of Arms issued official flag instructions. The instructions state flags must be lowered to half-mast as soon as possible. If a flag other than the Union flag is flown, these flags can be replaced by the Union flag at half-mast. It is also noted banners…
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King Charles III Screenshots Revealed

Okay, okay, it’s not something we like to think about. However, whether we like it or not, one thing is certain: one day The Queen’s lifetime of service to her country (and her fifteen other Realms) must come to an end. With that sad day, the line of British…
King Charles III

Prince Charles causes a tank to be stationed outside of Buckingham Palace

Is Prince Charles responsible for a tank that is outside of Buckingham Palace? Maybe not the Prince Charles, first-in-line to the throne we all know, but the future King Charles III in the BBC drama most certainly is. King Charles III is described as a “future history” drama, which will take a look at life after Her Majesty passes away. The new king becomes upset at a controversial…
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