
Traditions Of A Royal Birth

Yes, the day is getting closer. the day when Britain’s future King or Queen is born. In this feature article, we take a look at how royal babies’ births are handled by an institution with over 1000 years’ history, how births are proclaimed and received across the country and what amount of pomp & tradition will surround the birth of this new baby who will be third in line to…
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Royal Romances: Our Favorite Love Stories

I know it is naïve, but I am a hopeless romantic. I don’t fall in love with everything that moves, but I believe in real, deep, everlasting love. Perhaps because of my parents’ great love story, when my 13-year-old mum met my 16-year-old daddy and to this day…
Prince & Princess of Wales

Valentine's Day Portrait Of Duke & Duchess Of Cambridge Appears In Trafalgar Square

In time for Valentine’s Day tomorrow, a portrait of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge made entirely from 2,000 flowers has appeared in Trafalgar Square this morning. The portrait, which was placed outside the National Portrait Gallery was based on one of the official engagement photographs of the Duke and Duchess taken by Mario Testino. It was created by the florist and RHS Chelsea Flower…
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Top 10 Royalty Orientated Anecdotes

Everyone who loves the Royal Family will tell you that there’s nothing to beat a good royalty-orientated story or anecdote so here are our top 10 royal anecdotes from the British Royal Family. Enjoy! ‘The Nervous Bishop’ Queen Elizabeth II was hosting a…

What does 'The Crown' even mean?

‘The Crown’ is said to be a term synonymous with the monarch, a term used in legal situations and by monarchists. But what does it actually mean, and why has something inanimate and useful as a form of royal headdress been taken to mean the sovereign of the country. The first thing to mention is what actually is the crown. Not the physical crown, the metaphorical crown. The crown is…
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Sovereign Relations Of Queen Elizabeth II

It is a little known fact that most of the European, and even a lot of other international Monarchs are related to The Queen of the United Kingdom. This goes back to the days when Queen Victoria’s children married out of the family and into overseas Royalty, thus…

How To Receive An Honour From Her Majesty The Queen

As Sovereign, Her Majesty The Queen is considered font of all honour in the United Kingdom. She has ultimate authority over issuing honours and titles to citizens. Several of the most notable orders of chivalry are now issued on the advise of the government and with the consent of the Her Majesty. In this week’s feature article, we explore just what needs to be done to receive an honour from…
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