British RoyalsPrince & Princess of Wales

The Duchess of Cambridge rocks out with children at the Anna Freud Centre

The Duchess of Cambridge spent the better part of Tuesday rocking out with children at a Christmas party at the Anna Freud Centre in Islington, North London. The Duchess held her dignity while playing bongo drum in her own unique “sidesaddle technique”. Afterall, she wasn’t going to play the traditional way between her legs in an Alexander McQueen dress! Joining children and…
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British RoyalsPrince & Princess of Wales

Anger over Royal Wedding gate posts in Bucklebury

A pair of wooden gate posts installed in The Duchess of Cambridge’s home village of Bucklebury in Berkshire have been labelled as an “eyesore” by the small village’s residents. The 8ft tall posts have caused lots of controversy with Kate’s former neighbours, resulting in one person calling for them to be “ripped down and turned into firewood.” The…
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British RoyalsPrince & Princess of Wales

Kate Urges School Leaders To "Provide a Strong Foundation" in Heartfelt Conference Speech

The Duchess of Cambridge made a warm and heartfelt speech today, calling on schools to do more to help children with mental health issues. Kate, who was opening the Place2Be Headteacher Conference in London, said her own childhood was “wonderful and secure” but she realised that “many children are not so lucky.” In the rare public speech, which lasted for over three…
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British RoyalsPrince & Princess of Wales

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to Undertake a Day of Engagements in North Wales

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are scheduled to take on a series of engagements this Friday, 20 November, in North Wales, a palace press release confirms. The visit is focused on youth and mental health, a cause the royal couple has taken particular interest in. This series of engagements will add to the long list of both joint and solo engagements that have lately focused on mental health…
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