European Royals

Bohemian royalists heavily involved in ongoing protests in the Czech Republic

Bohemian royalists are heavily involved in the protests against the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic. This has been reported by some Czech media and the International Monarchist League. Amidst the huge protests, one can see the flags of the former kingdom of Bohemia and hear people shouting monarchist slogans during the protests. The monarchist-part of the protest is organized by “The…
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King Harald on water pollution: "This is one of the most serious things we can experience"

Last time the small town of Askøy was visited by royals was in 1611. On Thursday, King Harald and Queen Sonja visited the people at Askøy for a very special reason. To conclude the county tour of Hordaland the royals visited Askøy and the people here who have faced serious problems over the past month. Two weeks ago, Askøy municipality was hit by water pollution that has affected more than…
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King Harald and Queen Sonja continue their county tour

This week, King Harald and Queen Sonja are visiting western parts of their kingdom. This is the first time the queen has taken part in engagements after she had to cancel her participation during the State Visit from South Korea last week due to an infection in her leg. On…

Queen Sonja back at work following foot infection

Yesterday, Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway was back at work following the news last week that she had an infection in the leg. Together with her husband, His Majesty the King, they started their county tour to Hordaland in the western part of Norway. It was on Tuesday of…

King Harald celebrated the Norwegian-American Association's 100th anniversary

On Monday afternoon, His Majesty King Harald of Norway celebrated his patronage, the Norwegian-American Association’s 100th anniversary. His Majesty the King was present at the celebration of the Norway-America Association’s 100th anniversary at Akershus Fortress. Philosopher Henrik Syse held the welcome speech at Akershus Fortress, while Charge d’Affaires from the US, Ann…
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State visit to Norway from South Korea – Day 2

On Tuesday June 11th 2019, the president of South Korea started his two-day long state visit to Norway. On June 13th, the visit in Oslo was concluded in the morning before the royals and the president-couple travelled on to Bergen to visit western Norway. The day was started…

Crown Princess Mette Marit brings her "literature train" to Germany

Early in May, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway hosted the “literature metro” together with her husband, the Crown Prince. Because of her health, Her Royal Highness has this year, chosen to switch out her annual “literature train” to a more urban “literature metro”. Instead of using some of Norway’s long and remote train lines to promote literature to young people, she used the…
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