The war ended for them twenty-four hours later than it did in London and ever since have kept May 9th as a very special day. As the people of the Channel Islands marked seventy years since they were freed from Nazi occupation, The Countess of Wessex visited the two largest Channel Islands to represent The Queen at events marking the 70th anniversary.
The Countess of Wessex during her visit to…
Now that Prince Harry has spent his first day in Wellington, fans of the royal can catch a glimpse or quite possibly shake the hand of the royal during his visit for the next week.
[getty src=”472735638″ width=”594″…
Captain Harry Wales has finished his four-week military exchange with the Australian Defence Force.
Captain Wales exercises with Royal Australian Navy Clearance Divers posted to the 2nd Commando Regiment during his Army secondment.
Prince Harry completed the final two weeks…
Prince Harry has shown his support for veterans on VE Day by penning a letter to a website dedicated to helping former service men and women.
In an open missive to the Veterans page on myhealthLondon, the prince speaks of the ‘extraordinary commitment’ shown by those who fought in World War Two. He asks everyone to help former service personnel as they make their way in civilian life.
David Cameron has travelled to Buckingham Palace for a meeting with Her Majesty The Queen to confirm his second term as Prime Minister. The 2015 General Election saw the Conservative Party take control of the House of Commons whilst the Labour Party constituencies in…
Homebound hesitation for Prince Harry as he tells Australian publication: “I don’t want to go home”
8th May 2015
They are six little words that will have brought a lot of happiness to all of Prince Harry’s Australian fans. As he prepares to depart the country after four weeks there with the Australian Defence Force, Captain Wales has said ‘I don’t want to go home’.
Prince Harry…
The Duke of Edinburgh was in Wiltshire on Thursday to open a new care home in Devizes but there was only one thing everyone wanted to talk to their royal visitor about. The Duke was asked several times how his new great grandchild, Princess Charlotte, is getting on.
The Duke of Edinburgh has visited Devizes in Wiltshire today
Prince Philip shared plenty of information about his fourth…
The King that stormed the Commons
7th May 2015
Charles I was never popular with his Parliament. Upon his accession to the throne in 1625, members made clear that they would not be bullied. In an unprecedented break with tradition, England’s law-making body decided to allow the king to collect customs duties for only…
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge left Kensington Palace on Wednesday with Princess Charlotte as they travelled back to their country home, Anmer Hall, in Norfolk. Charlotte’s older brother, Prince George, was also with his parents as they travelled back to their…
What do you get for the baby that has (just about ) everything? How about a woolly toy, a brand new dress and a little blanket? When it comes to official presents for the new princess, countries around the world are sticking to the tried and tested.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have already received gifts from governments around the world following the birth of their daughter, Charlotte, at…