Prince & Princess of Wales

'Happy Birthday Kate' - 31 Facts About The Duchess Of Cambridge

Today, HRH The Duchess Of Cambridge ‘Kate’ celebrates her 31st birthday. Kate has been married to her husband Prince William for almost 2 years [this year] and is one of the most popular members of the British Royal Family. Here, we have composed a 31-fact fact file on Her Royal Highness The Duchess Of Cambridge, enjoy! Catherine was born on 9th January 1982 at Royal Berkshire…
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Prince & Princess of Wales

Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge To Receive Country Home From Queen

It has emerged that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are to receive a special country home from Her Majesty The Queen on the Sandringham Estate, the Queen’s country home in Norfolk, England. Sources say that Anmer Hall, on Her Majesty’s estate is set to be the home of choice for the Duke and his pregnant Duchess. It is said that Prince William frequently visited the house when it was…
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Queen Elizabeth II

A History Of The Queen's Christmas Message

No Christmas day would be complete without the Queen’s Message, broadcasted to the whole Commonwealth of Nations and which has become as traditional as the decorated fir and the filled stocking. Many times and from disparate soureces it has been underlined how the British Monarchy represents and assures a fundamental sense of continuity: the Royal Christmas Broadcast is probably the epitome…
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British Royals

Christmas Festivities - Royals at Sandringham

Whilst the majority of us may be spending this Christmas dashing to the shops in a last minute bid for presents, trying desperately to prevent the tree from toppling over under the weight of tinsel and lights, and wondering how on earth you’ll fit all those family members around the dining table; for the Royals it seems, this timeless festive ritual is a rather more civilised affair. But what…
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