King Charles IIIQueen Elizabeth II

A touching tribute to his mother will open the celebration for King Charles' Scottish coronation

The presentation of the Honours of Scotland will be a smaller affair than the Coronation, but equally full of ceremony and history. One of the elements that will be used in the service will be a sword.  The traditional piece used for this service is known as the Sword of State, or Papal Sword,; it was given to King James IV by Pope Alexander VI in 1494. It not been seen in public in recent…
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The Homage and its role in the Coronation

Historically the homage part of the Coronation has involved Archbishops, royal blood princes and senior peers. King Charles III has decided to have the homage be more inclusive and one homage, more limited. The first homage is at the beginning of the service known as The Recognition. King Charles will stand and turn in the four directions of Westminster Abbey, presenting himself to the…
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