The Edinburghs

The Countess of Wessex sees legacy of Diamond Jubilee on visit to Malawi

The Countess of Wessex is in Malawi to see the impact of work done in Queen Elizabeth II’s name. World Sight Day is on 13 October, and Sophie will be in Malawi to participate in the yearly national celebrations. Her Royal Highness will meet patients who have been helped by eye-saving treatments and visit a local clinic to hear more about the latest eye treatments and surgeries.  Ten…
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British RoyalsThe Edinburghs

The Countess of Wessex receives tour of innovative hospital from Nobel laureate founder

The Countess of Wessex is on a visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at the request the British Foreign Office. During this tour, she visited the Panzi Hospital. The innovative centre takes on a holistic approach, combining different types of medicine, to the treatment of victims of sexual violence. Together with the medical support, the hospital also offers services to help…
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The Edinburghs

The Earl and Countess of Wessex help the public pay homage to Queen Elizabeth II

The Earl and Countess of Wessex made a surprise appearance outside of Buckingham Palace on Saturday, September 17.  Their Royal Highnesses emerged from Buckingham Palace to greet well-wishers and thank them for their tributes and homages to Her late Majesty. As soon as they emerged form the Palace, the crowds cheered for them, as Prince Edward & Sophie approached them for a…
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The Edinburghs

The Earl of Wessex speaks of the ''unimaginable void'' left by the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II

The Earl of Wessex has spoken of the ‘unimaginable void’ left in his life by the death of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. In a moving statement, Prince Edward also described how much joy it had given him and his wife, the Countess of Wessex, to see their two children enjoy time with their grandparents. He said ”Sophie and I have taken huge pleasure in seeing our James and…
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