On Tuesday, June 1st, King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain travelled to Basque Country, in the town of Vitoria-Gasteiz, to open the country’s first memorial for terrorism victims.
Dressed in sober black clothes, Their Majesties arrived at the site, where they were welcomed by State, Regional and Local authorities, as well as representatives for the Foundation Center for the Memory of Terrorism Victims. After the performance of an Aurresku – a traditional Basque dance – King Felipe and Queen Letizia toured the permanent exhibition in the facility, which included a recreation of the hideout where a prison official was sequestered by ETA terrorists.
After touring the exhibition, the King and Queen of Spain presided the inauguration ceremony for the space, which started with a minute of silence. Then it was the moment for speeches; first went the President of the Foundation for Terrorism Victims, then His Majesty delivered his remarks. Finally, the day was concluded with the signature of the Visitors Book, in which King Felipe left a lengthy message.
Their Majesties were accompanied in their visit by the Prime Minister, the Minister of Interior, the Minister for Education and Professional Training, the President of Basque Country, the President of the Basque Country Parliament, the Government official in Basque Country and the Mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz, among many others.
The choice of the location for this memorial centre is significant, because the town was one of the places worst affected by ETA terrorists throughout the decades. This centre is also the first of its kind in Europe and one of the very few in the world – the Foundation managing the centre is actually public and is under the supervision of the Interior Ministry of Spain.
King Felipe is the President of Honour of the Foundation Centre for the Memory of Terrorism Victims, and the Patronage for the Foundation is presided by the Prime Minister. The Foundation undertakes various campaigns and activities to highlight three main objectives: preserve the memory of those who died, preserve and share ethic and democratic values and spread awareness about the defense of freedoms and human rights.
It is not the first time King Felipe and Queen Letizia have been involved with commemorating terrorism victims; most notably, after having announced their engagement in November of 2003, and shortly before their wedding in May of 2004, the capital of Madrid was struck by a terrorist attack on several trains, which killed 194 people.
The following day, the then-Prince of Asturias, his sisters and his fiancée were at the head of the massive demonstration in Madrid, a first for members of the Royal Family. They were accompanied by Madrid’s Archbishop, Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela (who weeks later would officiate Felipe and Letizia’s wedding), marking another first in Spanish history.
Not only that, but on the day of their wedding, an Army Lieutenant Colonel left a flower crown at the memorial for the attack victims, and all wedding presents and commercial revenues (from official souvenirs etc) were destined to the Foundation for Victims of the 11th of March Terrorist Attack.
They also slowed down their wedding procession when they passed in from of the Atocha train station, where one of the attacks happened.
Their Majesties also are often present at events that commemorate terrorism victims – the latest being a ceremony in the Royal Palace gardens in March of 2021 on the occasion of European Terrorism Victims Memorial Day and the presence at a concert for the 17th anniversary of the 11th of March attacks earlier in the month.
If you want more information on the new Centre, you can visit https://www.memorialvt.com.