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Crown Princess Victoria gives virtual tours of the Royal Palace in Stockholm

crown princess victoria

With National Day in Sweden looking slightly different than normal, Crown Princess Victoria has instead been giving virtual tours of the Royal Palace in Stockholm. Normally, the Royal Palace opens to the public on this day and is free to visit.

National Day is held annually on 6 June with the royals attending numerous events throughout Stockholm.

A member of the family usually opens the Royal Palace for the summer to the public. Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel frequently attend a citizenship ceremony while the King and Queen are at different events in the city.

Later in the afternoon, the Royal Family usually takes a carriage ride to the Skansen museum for an outdoor concert with thousands of other Swedes. In the evening, a reception is held at the Royal Palace by the Royal Family for representatives of the Riksdag (Sweden’s parliament), government, Swedish officials and parts of the diplomatic corps. These events won’t take place in 2020.

The first of several virtual tours was posted on the Swedish Royal House’s official Facebook page at 10 o’clock this morning. Crown Princess Victoria was dressed in Sweden’s national costume and welcomed people to the Royal Palace this National Day from the balcony. The videos will cover several rooms in the Palace and the first one looks at Queen Louisa Ulrika’s dining room.

Watch the first video below and keep an eye on their Facebook page for the other videos:
