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British RoyalsLuxembourg

Will Trooping the Colour have a foreign royal participate?

Trooping the Colour

Trooping the Colour is just a week away, and several details have been released about this year’s festivities.

For the Platinum Jubilee (and the first Trooping since the global health crisis began), the 1stĀ Battalion, Irish Guards will troop the colour.

The Duke of Cambridge is the Royal Colonel of the Irish Guards and reviewed the troops this month ahead of Trooping in the Colonelā€™s Review – a tradition ahead of Trooping the Colour.

However, there is another royal with ties to the Irish Guards, but he is not part of the British Royal Family. Prince SĆ©bastienĀ of Luxembourg, the youngest child of Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, has commanded a platoon of the Irish Guards since he became a member of the Luxembourg Army after graduation from Sandhurst in 2017.

Prince SĆ©bastien with his parents after graduating Sandhurst. Ā© COUR GRAND-DUCALE / LOLA VELASCO / TOUS DROITS RƉSERVƉS

The Irish Guards are special to the Grand Ducal Family as the late Grand Duke Jean – SĆ©bastien’s grandfather – served in the regiment during World War II.

Does this mean Prince SĆ©bastien will be taking part in Trooping the Colour this year?

Unfortunately, not.

Royal Central reached out to the Grand Ducal Court to see if SĆ©bastien would be participating and if so, would the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess would be in attendance.

The Grand Ducal Court confirmed that the Prince will not be participating in Trooping for The Queen’s Jubilee.

While it was a nice thought, royal watchers will not see the Luxembourgish royals at the Trooping events this year.

About author

Brittani is from Tennessee, USA. She is a political scientist and historian after graduating with a degree in the topics from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, in December 2014. She also holds a master's degree from Northeastern University. She enjoys reading and researching all things regarding the royals of the world. She's been researching, reading, and writing on royalty for over a decade. She became Europe Editor in October 2016, and then Deputy Editor in January 2019, and has been featured on several podcasts, radio shows, news broadcasts and websites including Global News Canada, ABC News Australia, WION India and BBC World News.