The Queen has been joined by two of her sons, Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, at a Holyrood garden party.
The garden party welcomed 8,000 people from all sorts of Scottish life to the beautiful grounds of Holyrood Palace. The Queen meets a selection of random guests. The music for the garden party was performed by the Royal Marine Band of Scotland, The Royal Scottish Pipers’ Society, and The Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland.
The Queen met Doddie Weir, a retired Scottish rugby player. Weir was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease last year. He founded the My Name’5 Doddie Foundation to raise money for research. The five instead of the S is due to the five in his rugby shirt.
Doddie Weir described his meeting with The Queen as being “pretty special,” he added that “the knees are still knocking a bit to be fair.”
Alongside Motor Neurone Disease, they talked about rugby. The garden party was held on the same day as his birthday, and he joked about that.
“I mentioned that to her and she had a little giggle,” he said.
Mr Weir also mentioned another royal, saying: “We know Princess Anne, she’s been a very good support to Scottish rugby and also later with the MND issue as well.”
Earlier in the day, Her Majesty met the Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon. She also attended the garden party.
The Queen was welcomed into Edinburgh on Monday when she was granted the keys to the city at the start of Holyrood week. The traditional gesture sees the monarch handed the keys to the city before she entrusts them back to the cities elected officials.
On Thursday, she will grant a new royal standard to the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards. Meanwhile, Prince William will award medals to the Royal Society of Edinburgh and also attend a reception which celebrates the 70th Birthday of the NHS.