A morning they will never forget – the Duke and Duchess of Sussex visited Tupou Colege to induct two reserves to the Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy.
Welcomed with song and dance, the Duke and Duchess, alongside Princess Angelika, listened to speeches first at the boys school that sites on the last remaining forest reserve on Tonga.
Semisi Fakahau, Minister of Agriculture, Food, Fisheries, and Forests said: “I’m sure our boys will sing songs and write music about this special visit.”
Before revealing their plaques, the couple viewed Koki, a colourful parrot only found at Rainforest Toloa.
“What’s the best way to go about it?” Meghan asked of unveiling plaque to which an assistant politely corrected by guiding her to the other plaque. ”
Actually, this one is yours,” he said as Harry and Meghan swapped.
Harry then ventured into the forest but not first without the boys choir singing a song first to ward of any mosquitos. Harry met a few of students when on his walk, some who were trying to start a fire.
Slightly concerned, Harry said: “Dont burn down the rainforest, guys!” to which they noted it was only a coconut shell they were burning.
Meghan stayed behind where she and Princess Angelika were treated to what is easily the highlight of the trip.
The entire school sang everything from ‘In the Jungle’, to ‘Can you feel the love tonight’, and ‘Sweet Chariot.’ – two songs from Disney’s The Lion King, Prince Harry’s favourite movie.
“There is a small island in the ocean that knew no good but now she is blessed,” said Lord Tangi, Chair of Tupou College Development Council in the final remarks before they left.
He added that the royal visit means they are now ‘blessed even more.’