In December 2020, announced that Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia are expecting their third child. At that time, December 11, the following statement was issued by the Royal Court: “We are happy and look forward to welcoming our third child, a sibling to Prince Alexander and Prince Gabriel. A new little member of our family.”
Now the Swedish Royal Court has given an update on the pregnancy to the Swedish Magazine “Svensk Damtiding”. They stated that“Princess Sofia is still fine and everything is going well.”
The news of Princess Sofia`s pregnancy came just weeks after it was confirmed that she and Prince Carl Philip had both contracted coronavirus. There has been intensive medical research around the world about the implications of coronavirus during pregnancy. Fortunately for Princess Sofia, she has experienced no problems and she and the Prince are both now healthy again.
Ever since last spring, Princess Sofia has volunteered at Sophiahemmet, something she will continue to do for as long as she can, says the Royal Court. Sophiahemmet was founded by the King Carl XVI Gustaf’s grandmother, Queen Sofia and it is here, in one of the wards that partially relieves the other health care in the Stockholm Region, that Princess Sofia spends two days a week, including cleaning, disinfecting and helping in the kitchen.
The new prince or princess of Sweden will be seventh in the Swedish line of succession and thus will take over this place from their aunt, Princess Madeleine. The new prince or princess will presumably have their own Duchy. However, he or she will not carry the title “Royal Highness.” The birth is expected at the turn of the month March-April 2021.
Carl Philip married Sofia Hellqvist in June 2015. In October 2015, it was announced that the couple was expecting their first child, and on 19 April 2016, Prince Alexander was born at Danderyd Hospital. On 31 August 2017, the couple’s second child, Prince Gabriel, was born. After the King decided on 7 October 2019 to limit who in the Swedish Royal Family would belong to the royal house, the style of Royal Highness was taken from both Prince Alexander and Prince Gabriel.