Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander and Crown Princess Katherine of Serbia hosted, for the seventeenth consecutive year, the traditional reception for more than 600 best high school students from Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. The reception was held at the White Palace in Dedinje on Friday last week.
Every secondary school in Serbia and the Republika Srpska selected the best among the graduates, to whom the Foundation for Culture and Education of Crown Prince Alexander gave a commendation and a prize as a recognition for the outstanding results achieved in their secondary education.
“I would like to congratulate all the graduates on the great success, and I wish them to continue to be successful. You should be proud of the knowledge you acquired, and we are proud of you and your achievements. Continue to be so hard-working and learn your entire life. You are our future, and our future is bright,” said the Crown Prince in his speech.
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Alexander thanked the partners in this project – companies NCR and Link Group – for their great help. Help with the organisation of the event was provided by the traffic police and the Military Medical Academy, Coca-Cola Company, choir Irida from Sremska Mitrovica, volunteers from “Kingdom of Serbia” Association and students of Faculty of Organisational Science of Belgrade University.
The best-graduated students of all high schools in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska were glad to receive the news that the company Link Group will grant 25 scholarships for their prestigious ITA Academy.
The White Palace, also named Beli Dvor, is located within the same complex as the Royal Palace, and it was commissioned by King Alexander I. The White Palace was also built with the private funds of King Alexander I. The White Palace took almost four years to finish (1934-1937). The ground floor of this classicistic palace houses a large hall and a number of drawing rooms furnished in the style of Louis XV and Louis XVI.