A 32-year-old man has been sentenced to three months in jail and mandatory treatment for sending threatening messages to the heir to the Dutch throne, Princess Catharina-Amalia. The prosecutor had demanded 10 months in jail and mandatory treatment.
The convicted man, known only as Wouter G., had sent the Princess messages via Instagram of a “violent, sexual and frightening nature”, according to the prosecutor. He reportedly threatened to the rape her. He also threatened to kill one of the Princess’ friends. He told her that he would find her on King’s Day and that there was “no escape.” He also told her he was saving up for a gun. The threats were sent in early January of this year. He was arrested at the end of January.
He will undergo mandatory treatment after being declared as having diminished capacity due to schizophrenia. He had developed an unhealthy obsession with the Dutch royals, according to the judge. As he had previously tried to forego treatment, it has now been made mandatory with a maximum period of four years.
In an earlier hearing, Wouter G. said that he wrote the messages but deleted them the next day and believed that he did not actually send them.