The Principality of Monaco is set to host a special exhibition commemorating the centenary of the birth of one of its most influential sovereigns, Prince Rainier III.
The exhibition will retell the story of Prince Rainier’s life, from birth until his death, through images, videos and objects that are felt to represent those eras bests.
The late sovereign’s story will be told through three lenses: first and foremost, it will highlight Rainier, the statesman. For this, visitors will be able to relive the experiences that the Prince had as a head of state, including his day-to-day work in managing the tiny country and the bigger occasions.
The second focus will be on Rainie,r the man; for this part of the exhibition, visitors will be shown snippets of the Prince’s private life, both at the Princely Palace and in the various other residences belonging to the family: Villa Iberia, in Cap Ferrat, where he spent his youth; the house in Rocagel, which he built to provide his family with some privacy; and finally the historical Grimaldi residence of Marchais Castle, where the Prince used to carry out one of his hobbies: forging cast iron sculptures.
The third and final focus will be on the big moments in the life of the Sovereign Prince: World War II and the crisis with France, which led the principality to adopt a new Constitution, but also all the moments in which the head of state was able to reunite with the population.
This is just one small part of the massive celebrations ongoing in Monaco, which have also seen Prince Albert take part in numerous activities commemorating the centenary of his father’s birth.
The exhibition will open on Wednesday, 31 May, on the day that would have been his 100th birthday, and visitors will be able to enjoy it until 20 August 2023, when the Princely Palace will be returned fully to its state functions after the summer break.