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King Felipe congratulates Joe Biden during important diplomatic speech

King Felipe of Spain spoke on a wide-ranging host of issues at the annual Diplomatic Corps reception at the Royal Palace of Madrid, including a message of congratulations to the new President of the United States, Joe Biden.

Of President Biden’s inauguration, King Felipe said, “We trust that, together with the new administration, we will continue to strengthen the deep historical ties that unite us and that cover the most varied fields – politics, defence, economy, culture and society. I express my best wishes for the presidency of the new president, with the conviction that our relations will be strengthened and enriched.”

The King dedicated a large portion of his speech to the coronavirus pandemic and Spain’s response. He started his speech, saying, “It would have been difficult to imagine the drastic and harsh way in which the year would pass.” He added that he wished to begin his speech with a message of “affection and solidarity towards all the countries that are suffering from the pandemic and its consequences. And I also want to address it personally to those of you who have lost a loved one due to the pandemic or who have personally suffered from Covid-19.”

The King continued, “I also want to convey a message of gratitude, because the Diplomatic Corps as a whole, like other public servants, has had to work with special intensity so that the pandemic did not cause further damage and pain. This diplomatic collaboration, not always public, has proven its effectiveness in helping many citizens in their day-to-day lives, while at the same time helping, in many cases, to save lives.”

He added: “The pandemic has been an unquestionable step back from many of the achievements of recent decades. We are immersed in the worst health crisis since World War II.

“This crisis has clearly demonstrated the interdependence that exists between all the peoples and citizens of the earth. And in doing so, he has reminded us, once again, of the importance of multilateralism in tackling the big issues and multiple challenges on the international agenda.”

The King reaffirmed Spain’s commitments with the United Nations, including continuing its goals with Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals; and committed to continuing the work with human rights and the rights of girls and women in Spain. Further, he affirmed Spain’s commitments with the United States, the Atlantic Alliance, Ibero-America, and the European Union to further policy, while also committing to work with other countries and partners to further Spain’s agenda.

“I began my speech by saying that we are experiencing an unprecedented crisis in our time,” King Felipe said. “A crisis to which we must oppose an even greater will to overcome. That is why, more than ever, we have to look to the future with renewed ambition.

“If this crisis has slowed down our progress, we are obliged to get back on track with a redoubled effort in pursuit of the goals we mentioned, which are now truly unpostponable. For this immense task, the coordinated union of efforts constitutes a fundamental tool. And in that work, ladies and gentlemen ambassadors, you know that you can always count on Spain as a partner firmly committed to the international community.

“An international community that is made concrete in all of you, a Diplomatic Corps that is a witness and at the same time protagonist of the changes and transformations with a noble objective: that of putting them at the service of a horizon of prosperity and peace for all.”

About author

Jess Ilse is the Assistant Editor at Royal Central. She specialises in the British, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish Royal Families and has been following royalty since Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee. Jess has provided commentary for media outlets in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Jess works in communications and her debut novel THE MAJESTIC SISTERS is now available.