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British Royals

Diana, Princess of Wales beats record set by Kurt Cobain

The famous ‘black sheep’ jumper worn by Diana, Princess of Wales has set several records at auction.

It sold for  $1.1 million dollars when put under the hammer by Sotheby’s – more than fourteen times its initial estimate.

The previous record for knitwear at auction was held by a green cardigan once worn by Kurt Cobain which sold for over $334,000 in 2019.

And the sheep jumper also beat the previous record for a price paid for clothes worn by the Princess. That had been the $604,800 paid for a Victor Edelstein gown she owned.

The black sheep jumper was first worn by Diana before her marriage to the then Prince Charles in 1981. It came from Warm & Wonderful. Having disappeared from view, it was found in the attic of one of the company’s founders.

Sotheby’s had estimated it would bring in up to $80,000 when auctioned.

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