As we approach next year and the centennial of the October revolution, the restoration of a picture of Lenin from a Russian school has revealed far more than was expected. Primary School No 206 in St Petersburg had in the past been under Imperial Patronage and following the revolution portraits in the Grand Hall of Tsar Paul I and Tsar Peter I had been destroyed by the Soviets.
However, the school decided to see if the restoration experts at the Stieglitz Art and Industry Academy in St. Petersburg, could repair a picture of Lenin they had which had a torn canvas. When the experts took the picture, painted in 1924 and removed the picture from the frame they were surprised to see the rear of the canvas was painted with a grey-white water soluble paint. The painting was x-rayed to see what was underneath. Tatiana Leonidovna Pozeluyeva, an art restoration professor at Stieglitz says about their discovery “we were shocked, almost to the point of humour, to discover Tsar Nicholas II’s head nearly exactly the same size and placement as Lenin’s”.
The academy has spent three years painstakingly cleaning and restoring the painting, by using baby soap and water. They have revealed an almost intact picture of Tsar Nicholas II dated 1896 and signed by Ilya Galkin Savich. He lived between 1860 and 1915, and as well as being a portrait painter favoured by the Imperial House, he was also a qualified art teacher for lower grades. It is now thought that the picture of Lenin, painted by the Soviet artist Vladislav Izmailovich, was painted with the picture still in its frame as an urgent act of protection and a degree of sympathy for the Imperial era.
The picture will be displayed on a frame in the academy’s hall, so that people can get up close and personal with this remarkable picture which shows two people from both sides of Russian history, so to speak.
The hidden painted picture of Czar Nicholas 11 painted by a portrait painter favored by the royal house does show a likeness of Czar Nicolas 11 in the picture that was painted then hidden behind Stalin’s picture on the same canvass.
The problem is the painter did not identify the inherited ear lobe partial pierce that Nicholas 11 and his son Alexei and one daughter Anastasia also inherited.that also can be seen in a few German and English Royals who share one of the same kinship visible markers from birth. The inherited visible markers can only be inherited at birth as it is a family complex inheritance and can only be passed down through shared ancestors.
The untouched ancestral visible markers showing what was inherited by a shared ancestry by three different related royal lines then and now can be seen clearly on real photographs posted on the webpage Royal Bloodline Descent on Facebook.
Frederic von Ebert
Royal Bloodline Descent on Facebook
Email royal.bloodline.descent@gmail.com