The Luxembourg Grand Ducal Court has announced that Prince Louis and Princess Tessy of Luxembourg are to divorce.
Prince Louis is the third son of Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg. He has four siblings, Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg (born 1981), Prince Felix (born 1984), Princess Alexandra (born 1991) and Prince Sébastien of Luxembourg (born 1992).
Before Prince Louis’s marriage to Tessy (née Antony), she gave birth to a son, named Gabriel Michael Louis Ronny de Nassau on 12 March 2006. He was born at a private Swiss hospital in Geneva and was the first grandchild for the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg. Prince Louis and Tessy married on 29 September 2006. This marriage was considered to be morganatic, and he gave up his succession rights and those of his children. Prince Louis retained his title of “Prince of Luxembourg” and the style of “Royal Highness” but his wife and children were known only as “de Nassau” without any titles. They had a second son, named Noah Etienne Guillaume Gabriel Matthias Xavier de Nassau on 21 September 2007.
On 23 June 2009, Luxembourg’s National Day, Tessy was given the title of “Princess of Luxembourg” with the style “Royal Highness.” Their two sons and any future children were given the title “Prince of Nassau” with the style of “Royal Highness.” The couple lived in London and were involved in charitable events in both Luxembourg and London. Princess Tessy is currently the UNAIDS Global Advocate for Young Women and Adolescent Girls. Prince Louis is the patron of the Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Tennis de Table (Luxembourg Table Tennis Federation), the Fédération des Arts Martiaux (Luxembourg Martial Arts Federation) (2010) and the Fédération Aéronautique Luxembourgeoise (Luxembourg Aeronautical Federation) (2011).
In the announcement from the Grand Ducal Court, the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess ask that the family’s privacy is respected in these painful times.
Does this mean they will have to go to the Vatican to get officially divorced?
The Vatican doesn’t grant divorces. It does grant annulments but these are not automatic and must be applied for and a considered on a case by case basis.
A divorce is granted by the civil authority and has no affect on the sacrament of marriage in the eyes of the Church. If either the Prince or Princess wish to remarry in the Church they will have to apply for an annulment after their civil divorce is granted.
Princess Caroline’s annulment sure took a long time. I’m glad Pope Benedict decided to legitimize her threee children after he granted the annulment.
No such thing. children are not made illegitimate by any annulment. never happens.
I did not say they were made illegitmate by the annulment. I said they were legitimized by the Pope at the time. Caroline’s children were considered bastards in the eyes of the Catholic Church, so when she was granted an annulment, it became like she had never married Philippe Junot, and even though she could only marry Stefano Casiraghi in a civil ceremony, Pope Benedict granted they were legitimate in the eyes of the Church.