As the heir to the Dutch throne celebrates her 18th birthday, we are taking a look at her life so far.
Born on 7 December 2003 in The Hague’s the HMC Bronovo, Catharina-Amalia Beatrix Carmen Victoria is the first child of King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of the Netherlands (who were Prince and Princess at the time of Amalia’s birth). To celebrate her birth announcement, 101 shots were fired from several Dutch palaces including in The Hague, in Aruba (a Dutch territory) and the Netherlands Antilles. She is half Dutch (through her father) and half Argentinian (through her mother).
Amalia was christened on 12 June 2004 in the Great Church in The Hague with Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Prince Constantijn (her paternal uncle), MartÃn Zorreguieta (her maternal uncle), Herman Tjeenk Willink (then-vice-president of the Council of State of the Netherlands), Samantha Deane (a friend of her mother’s), and Marc ter Haar (a friend of her father’s) serving as godparents. Although her given birth name is Catharina-Amalia, she is commonly just called Amalia.

Amalia was joined by a younger sister, Princess Alexia on 26 June 2005, and they gained another sister, Princess Ariane, on 10 April 2007.
She attended Bloemcampschool in Wassenaar, a public school, until she moved on to The Hague’s Christelijk Gymnasium Sorghvliet. She speaks her native Dutch, English, and some Spanish. She graduated in spring 2021 from high school with distinction; Amalia has chosen to take a gap year before entering university. She has not decided what she will study.

Amalia is kept out of the public eye with the exception of the two photo sessions scheduled each year for the Royal Family and certain events like King’s Day. This is done in line with her parents’ view that she and her sisters grow up privately without the prying eye of the media.
Following tradition, a book about Amalia was published ahead of her 18th birthday. She collaborated with the author and revealed several personal photographs to the public for the first time. Amalia revealed that she is not yet ready to reign and would ask her mother to step in if something were to happen to her father in the near future. She added that she would give her all for the Netherlands.
She is known to enjoy horse riding, singing and hockey. Alongside her family, the Princess lives in Huis ten Bosch Palace in The Hague.
Upon the abdication of her grandmother, Queen Beatrix, her father ascended the Dutch throne making her first in line. As such, she became The Princess of Orange on 30 April 2013.
Now that she is 18, she will take her seat in the Council of State alongside her father. While in university, the Princess has declined her yearly appanage.
Where she will attend university and where she will study will be announced by the Royal House in due course.