The Grand Ducal Court of Luxembourg is once again the victim of a scam with people impersonating the press office or individual members.
For this reason, the Grand Ducal Court issued a warning on all social media platforms: “The House of the Grand Duke has evidenced an increase of Facebook accounts that usurp the identity of members of the Grand Ducal Family and of the Grand Ducal Court.”
These accounts are generally used to scam people into thinking that either the Court or individual members of the family are offering rewards as a means to celebrate important occasions.
The Marshal of the Court says that the appropriate entities have been alerted and are at work trying to get all fake accounts closed and reported to the proper authorities.
The work of Luxembourg’s intervention team for informatics emergencies, GovCert, will be significant, according to the press release.
The post concludes with tips on how to recognise fraudulent accounts: in this particular circumstance, they seem to be making use of sponsored posts, which the Grand Ducal Court states that they never do.
“The Marshal of the Court also would like to specify that the Court does not utilise sponsored messages [paid] to promote their contents and their publications,” says the release.
This is not the first time the Grand Ducal Court has to intervene to report fake accounts and to prevent Luxembourg citizens from getting scammed by these fraudulent impersonators.
It has happened on at least two more occasions, but the Court has decided to eliminate all communications on this topic once the issue seemed to have been resolved in the past to avoid giving new fraudsters any ideas.
Unfortunately, it is a reality that many people working in social media know all too well, and the Grand Ducal Court of Luxembourg seems to have been only the latest victim of a scamming ring.